Monday, December 12, 2011

Mother's Day Out program: Happy Holidays!

Mother's Day Out program: Happy Holidays!: You can tell that Christmas is around the corner. The children and teachers for that matter have "Christmas-itis". We are all extremely busy...

Happy Holidays!

You can tell that Christmas is around the corner. The children and teachers for that matter have "Christmas-itis". We are all extremely busy this time of year. Since Thanksgiving break it has been full swing Christmas crafts, learning about the story of the baby Jesus, planning parties, practicing for a Christmas program and so much more to get ready break. Although breaks are nice and usually well received, they require a lot of preparation.

I hope this break brings lots of rest and relaxation along with fun and great family time for all.

Friday, August 26, 2011

School is back on!!

I keep telling myself that I will become a better blogger but it hasn't happened yet. I think the lack of time has something to do with it. Since the new school year has just started, maybe that will be a good motivation for me to work on the blog. I'm considering this the first one of the new school year. We have had a great start to the school year. We have several new families and many returning families. I am excited to about what the school year holds and it is great to hear the kids learning, laughing and having fun.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Today is Monday...

Good Monday Morning to everyone. I drove to work this morning going through the list of things I needed to do at MDO today and one of those things was the MDO website. I am trying to keep it as current as possible. We have this blog but I don't know who actually reads it and I thought well I need to keep it as current as possible too. So my new task is to try and post at least once a week. We will see how it goes.

Here's what's going on at MDO for those that are out of the loop. We are currently registering for summer and Fall. Registration has gone well and I am excited to see returning families and new families registering. If you haven't already registered, you need to to secure a spot in the program. Pictures are tomorrow and Wednesday. We have Spring Break coming up and the MDO Rummage Sale. Lots to do around here.

That's all for now. I hope everyone has a great Monday.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Snow days

These snow days can be fun for all until we have to make them up at the end of the school year. We missed 4 days last week and many of us had major "cabin fever". I hope this week will bring us better days but it's not looking promising as the meteorologists are predicting a major snowstorm on Wednesday. Many of us (parents and teachers) are trying to predict how many days we will be in school this week. We will see what happens. I have had several parents tell me they don't care if schools are going to be closed, they will send their children anyways.

Happy Snow days to all!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

DSC_0548 (1 photo), by Amy McCann

I'd like to share my Walmart Digital Photo Center photos with you. Once you have checked out my photos you can order prints and upload your own photos to share.

Thursdays is a crazy day. I'm scrambling trying to fill a position at work without much advertising while keeping the children's best interest in mind. It takes a special person to teach and a special person to care for 1 year olds. I am having to rearrange some scheduling issues. With all of that said, I do have to say I have a wonderful staff that is always willing to help and pick up hours when needed. We all have our good and bad days but we have fun!! Maybe God will send that special person our way.